Your Software
Faster without Risk

FeatBit, a Fast & Scalable Open Source Feature Flags Management Tool built with .NET; Ideal for Self Hosting.
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Innovate Your Software Faster without Risk

A Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

Deploy Feature Flags Management Service on Azure using Terraform

Last updated date:

FeatBit is an open-source feature flags service that enables teams to test their applications in production, roll out features incrementally, and instantly rollback if an issue arises.

This guide describes how to deploy FeatBit on Azure using Terraform. In lieu of the blog, you can visit our GitHub repository directly to start your installation journey. This GitHub repository contains terraform code for deploying FeatBit on Azure.

Deploy FeatBit on Azure

As shown in the figure above, FeatBit's services are deployed as Azure Container Apps (ACA) in Azure. Such as FeatBit's UI portal, FeatBit's API server, FeatBit's evaluation server, FeatBit's DA server. Evaluation service and API service communicate with DA service inside ACA.

Note: ACA is actually a managed Kubernetes cluster. You can find more information about ACA in Azure Container Apps official document.

All services are located in an Azure VNet, we use private endpoint and private DNS zone to secure the access to Azure Cache for Redis and Azure CosmosDB for MongoDB. You can find more information about private endpoint and private DNS zone in Azure official document.

FeatBit's UI portal, API server and Evaluation server are exposed to the public internet through an Azure Load Balancer and Azure IP addresses. You can find more information about Azure Load Balancer in Azure official document.

Download Terraform Code

Download the Terraform code source from the GitHub repository

Getting Started with Terraform Azure Provider

If you're not familiar with Terraform Azure Provider, you can follow the steps in the official Azure Provider tutorial.

Deploy FeatBit to your Azure

Run terraform init to download the required providers

terraform init

Run terraform plan to see what will be deployed

terraform plan

Run terraform apply to deploy FeatBit to your Azure

terraform apply

Before applying the Terraform deployment, you can modify variables defined in files to customize your deployment. For example, you can

  • Change the name of the resource group by changing the value of the resource_group_name variable in the file in the terraform directory.
  • Change the name of the resources location by changing the value of location variable in the file in the terraform directory.
  • Change the redis configuration by changing the value of redis variable in the file in the terraform directory.

To change cpu, memory, number of replicas of each container app, you currently have to edit directly in the file in the terraform/aca directory. We will add these variables in the future to make installation easier.


The Terraform code is actually only for the FeatBit Standard version. Click here to see the difference between Standard and Pro version

For any questions, you can contact us by creating an issue, joining our Slack channel, or emailing us at